Loan Comparison Calculator

This is a desktop home loan calculator that allows you to compare 2 loans and compare the total costs of the loans. It also calculates the relative savings. The calculator takes into account establishment/application fees and ongoing fees. This calculator can be used to compare any loan type including home loan comparison.

When people borrow a large amount of money, they can end repaying the initial amount several times over. A small difference in interest rates or fee can add up to thousands of dollars over the life of the loan. This tool can help you identify significant savings.

  • How does this process work?

    There are 4 steps.Step 2 Compare alternatives with our broker- from your preliminary assessment.Step 4 Finalize loan – Complete lenders formal documents.

  • A more detailed process explanation is in our credit guide.
  • Step 3 Choose a loan – receive your loan proposal, sign lenders application & provide further documents( if required).
  • Step 1 Apply -Complete our “application” & then a “smart fact find” & provide supporting documents .
  • What Are The Approximate Time Frames?*

    Pre-approval 4-48 hours ( rapid per approval is 4 hours)Loan Documents 2-3 weeks from approval(Rapid refinance settles in 2 weeks from approval)*Please ensure the valuer has timely access for valuation as this can also slow down process. (All valuers are external to lenders and us)

  • * Some times lenders have back logs which makes the time frames longer. We will endeavor to advise you if this is the case for the lender you choose
  • Settlement 6 weeks from approval
  • Approval 5-8 working days
  • What are the lenders fees and all the costs ?

    We compare all the lenders fees in a preliminary assessment and then again for your specific lender in the loan proposal document

  • The lender also tells you in their loan documents.
  • Do I pay more for using a broker?

    In most cases you won’t pay more for using us as your broker,as most of our loans are broker fee FREE* – the bank pays us instead of their own loans departments.

  • *We only might charge a fee if your loan is large and commercial or low doc. ( where you don’t provide financials) as these loans are very time consuming and we issue you a quote up front before you proceed.